Posts Tagged ‘Spring’

Like No Other Spring

Like no other Spring this one arrived,
defiantly pushing open its buds,
whistling its swirling winds,
speaking of renewal,
in the midst of life shut down.

Like no other Spring this one shines out,
lengthening the days with cheerful light,
lifting the winter grey,
brightening garden hues,
as the world keeps cautiously still.

Like no other Spring this one rings out,
stirring awakening life
with magpie songs of joy,
carolling morning tunes,
declaring warmer days,
while we keep ourselves apart.

Like no other Spring this one is strange,
drawing our anxious thoughts to the fore,
longing for healing to come,
calling us to our knees,
leading us God-ward
to the perfect peace of his love.

But like each other Spring the sun will shine,
pouring golden rays upon our land,
bringing forth abundance,
pointing out its beauty,
showing in the midst
of trying times God's in control.

© Copyright Ellen Carr 2020