Posts Tagged ‘mother’s day’

To the Mums







To the brand-new mums

the nappy-poo mums

may you have joy.


To the seasoned mums

the much-needed mums

may you have delight.


To the funny mums

the sunny mums

may you laugh some more.


To the neatness mums

the sleekness mums

may you sit and relax.


To the sleepless mums

the bleakness mums

may you have sleep.


To the stressed mums

the can’t-get-dressed mums

may healing come.


To the empty-nest mums

the welcome-guest mums

may you be fulfilled.


To the would-be mums

The should-be mums

may you have peace.


To the used-to-be mums

the grieving mums

may you be consoled.


For the mothers we’ve loved

the mothers we’ve lost

may we give thanks.


To all the women of Earth

you women of worth

may you be blessed.


Ellen Carr 8-5-2020